It’s heart wrenching and horrifying to watch the senseless war and humanitarian crisis in Ukraine created, unprovoked, to serve the brutal ego of one tyrant.

Although these times are overshadowed by darkness, it is undeniable that the light still slips through. We have seen that light witnessing the unimaginable courage, resilience and leadership of so many people standing united in the face of atrocities and annihilation.

I’ve been personally inspired by the daily stories of individuals who risk everything, their lives included, to fight back facing the most dire circumstances. They sacrifice everything simply because it’s moral and right. They stand in stark contrast to Putin and his right wing, anti-democratic minions the world over.

They stand for hope and peace and freedom.

  • Ordinary people acting bravely like the nurses caring for and cradling in their arms ICU newborns sheltering in underground bunkers.
  • Like José Andrés and his team at World Central Kitchen who are providing meals in response to the humanitarian crisis…not only on the frontline in Ukraine but around the world.
  • Ukrainian families separating so mothers and children can flee to safety, leaving loved ones behind to fight for their independence.
  • Citizens of other countries like Poland, Moldova, and Romania who are welcoming, housing, and feeding the orphans and refugees of this outrageous war. Even connecting on an emotional level to celebrate the birthday of a Ukrainian child who just crossed over the border into Poland, providing some semblance of hope and promise for the future.
  • Even thousands of Russian citizens standing in protest and risking persecution, incarceration and even death for voicing their defiance of this brutal war.
  • Influential people like the Russian TV producer, Marina Ovsyannikova, who, without regard for her own safety, staged an on-air protest of the war.
  • World leaders who have joined together to impose severe economic sanctions on Russia and provide military and financial support to Ukraine.
  • And of course President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, actor, comedian and now hero, who through heart, soul and courage has stunned the world with his leadership…uniting a nation and holding a dictatorial monster at bay.

If we see enough of these rays of light, perhaps we will also see some light at the end of this tunnel…for an end to this war. For an end to all dark things. Perhaps if we can kindle the light within each of us, we can all become heroes, for peace and good.

With light and love this holiday weekend,


In my online dictionary Commitment means:

  1. the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc. “the company’s commitment to quality”
  2. a pledge or undertaking. Plural noun: commitments “I cannot make such a commitment at the moment”
  3. an engagement or obligation that restricts freedom of action. “business commitments”

Our ability to make any kind of meaningful difference in the lives of others requires commitment.

To live authentically, to be true to ourselves, we must be present, vulnerable, open and honest. This takes commitment because it’s not always easy.

To be connected with others we must reach out, share, give and be available. This takes commitment because it’s not always easy.

To make gains in our businesses and grow exponentially we must be focused in the right ways, take the right steps and learn as we go…failing and pivoting on the path to greatness. This takes commitment because it’s definitely not easy. In fact, it’s one of the most challenging decisions we make…to stay in the game of growing and scaling a business despite setbacks, obstacles, overwhelm and just plain life getting in the way.

But if you really want to build a business or enterprise that leaves a lasting legacy, one that you’re proud of, commitment is non-negotiable.

Every great leader, not only demonstrated courage and resilience, but had an unwavering commitment to stay in the game…no matter what.

Unfortunately, what I see happening too often with women entrepreneurs and leaders is that convenience trumps commitment.

That despite our deep desires and the rigor we put into our work, there are a thousand things we will put ahead of our dreams that stop us from staying the course. Things such as:

…the needs of others

…the need to be perfect

…putting off hard choices and decisions

…delaying the hard things that have to get done

…fears and insecurities

…stories and excuses

It’s not convenient to be committed. It’s not convenient to say “no” to other people’s agenda. It’s not convenient to harness every resource we have to take massive leaps and stake everything on what we claim we want.

It’s not convenient to be “all in”.

But our dreams and high impact goals won’t happen without commitment, without our ability to fully focus on what’s most important to us, put that first and stick with it no matter what story or excuse rears it’s inconvenient head.

If you want an assessment of whether or not you’re truly committed, there’s a great book titled The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership which says “that commitment is a statement of what is”. You know what your commitment is by the results you get. If you look at yourself right now, whatever you have is what you’ve been committed to. So if you want something different than what you have, change your commitment.

Because you’re worth it.

You deserve to live the life you want and thrive in your business.

Think of your commitment today. Are you living a committed life or a life driven by convenience?

Only you know for sure.

Quote of the Week:

I am resolved to write, write, and write. Nothing can turn me away from a path I have definitely set myself to follow.

~ Anaiis Nin

With heart and brilliance,


In my work and life I choose stretch goals that I’m really committed to. That is how I learn and not just grow, but leap. Stretch meaning daring, wildly ambitious objectives that are inherently, extremely challenging and require a new and different approach to bring them within reach.

For instance, I’m committed now to writing a book. I’ve given myself through 2022 to complete it.

If you’re wondering why that time period, in my mind I’m going from zero to stretch, which seems daunting and scary.

I’ve never written a book. I’ve written thousands of business communications, newsletters, blog posts, letters, thoughtful emails, relationship building notes, etc. 

But I’ve never written a book.

Let alone a book that I want to be proud of. A book that is important. 

A book that gives tremendous value to the reader and fully expresses my “Big Idea”.

And I’d love for that book to be a New York Times Bestseller. (That’s my ego speaking, but I do love The New York Times!)

So, the stretch for me is to declare and commit to writing a New York Times Bestseller book, that adds tremendous value to other peoples’ lives and is completed by the end of 2022.

I’ll share a secret. I’ve thought about this for years. Without commitment. And here’s what happened.


Thinking is good but thinking without action, it accomplishes nothing.

Nor does your inner critic.

What do I want to write about? Where do I start? How do I do this? Can I do this? Am I capable of doing this?

You know, that mean inner voice that seeks to keep you out of danger but puts you down in the process. Your inner critic.

And that also leads to NOWHERE.

So finally, I figured out what I must do, like every other major goal I’ve ever achieved:

Know in my heart that I really want to do it.

Make the actual decision to do it.

Get started.

Hire any help I may need to do it (like a book coach or editor).

Endeavor to make it New York Times worthy.

Do it.

And then get it done.

Okay, so my path forward is now clear, but it’s still a HUGE Stretch.

So, I want to break it down even further. What will actually put the stretch within reach.

Twyla Tharp, one of America’s most prolific choreographers, wrote in her book The Creative Habit, that she gets up at 5:30 am every morning, throws on her sweats, hops in a cab, and heads to the gym for a 2-hour workout. She’s done this every single day of her adult life.

She explains that in her lifetime of creating brilliant, original work, her habit is not the gym practice, which is what you would think because of her profession.

Her creative habit is actually hopping in the taxi. It’s this habit, this consistent practice that sets the stage for her commitment. Because she knows if she does this, she will follow-through with her gym practice AND she will be primed to create her masterpieces for the stage.

Now that’s brilliant! That makes sense. That really puts the stretch within reach!

Anne Lamott, famous American author, also wrote in her book on writing, Bird By Bird, that what’s important is the act of sitting every day, at whatever time you deem, for however long you commit, to just do it. With no expectations. To get through writer’s block or overwhelm or anything else, just sit and put words to a page. She uses a metaphor of a 2-inch frame. When we think we’re stuck and have nothing to say, just imagine you only need to come up with words to fill a 2-inch frame. It’s a start, it’s a step, it’s not a masterpiece.

That’s also brilliant!

In both cases if you think about it, what we’re talking about is the Minimum Viable Commitment. 

Now the minimum viable commitment doesn’t sound sexy or like we’re really invested in anything. But it works!

For me, I know that I will only be 100% accountable to myself, if I create a space where there are others showing up at my invitation. If someone else is counting on me, I will be there. No questions asked. No excuses, distractions or unproductive feelings will interfere. No matter what, I will be there.

So I’ve formed a daily Writing Circle and invited others who I also know are interested in writing to join me on Zoom at 6 AM EST. We just wave and write. We don’t talk. I don’t coach or consult. It’s just a space I’ve created to not only support myself but others who appreciate the benefit of the action and space.

This is my minimum viable commitment. Because I know if I do this… I will write that book.

If you think you have a book in you and would like to join us for our wake-up Writing Circle, please reply to this email and share a little about your project or intention.

I’ll get back to you with further details.

Whether you have a book in you and want to join us, or if your thing is not a book and you want to accomplish it, I invite you to find a process that will get you to the finish line.

Quote of the Week
Life is a process not an accomplishment.

With heart and brilliance,


This image of my cat Ivy reminded me of a book I recently read titled Living On The Skinny Branches by Master Transformational Leader, Michael Strasner.

The premise of the book is that to live an extraordinary and abundant life filled with personal freedom requires we live on the skinny branches…moving from the root of the tree where everything is the same, up the tree catching wind in your hair, and rising to the top where the juices and richness of life are experienced. The book provides leadership distinctions on how to create your extraordinary life.

As I watched Ivy this day, so high up, with some fear and trepidation (she’s an indoor cat), I instead chose to look at the world from her perspective. And that this adventure, though seemingly small, was a huge journey for her.

Putting myself in her paws so to speak, made me realize she was willing to risk the instability of the skinny branches to pursue her curiosity and live her life on her terms in the moment…with adventure, with joy and with the willingness to experience it fully.

Of course, she was not totally secure. She even began to fall at one point, managing to grasp the tree limb with her paws and hang there until she figured out how to shimmy herself back up.

Then when she was satisfied with her expedition and her risky endeavors she shuffled backwards to safety. 

To my surprise, after watching her almost fall from 15 feet high, it didn’t diminish her sense of adventure. Within no time and without hesitation she was off on her next adventure, up another tree.

This new experience created a craving for more discovery. A new world had emerged for Ivy.

If you’re still with me, you must either appreciate this story because you’re a cat lover and you “get it” or you think it’s utterly ridiculous I’m writing about my cat and trying to make a point about transformational living.

To me it’s really just a story with a simple message that made me reflect on my own life and the leadership lessons I work with my clients to embody.  Lessons that once taken to heart and practiced will support them in living their best lives.

The message and metaphor of Ivy’s experience can inform our own living on the skinny branches.

You see, growth and joy really do truly emanate from the risky business of pursuing a dream and going for it.

With purpose, vision, desire and curiosity we can create new worlds and discover personal universes that hold all the good things we imagine.

Without those things, we’re really just existing and not living.

Once you begin to unleash yourself and really live life on the skinny branches, you’ll never look back, and will climb up to those skinny branches over and over again.

I challenge you to go live your life on the skinny branches!

Lots of Love,


Life is a Journey. Immerse Yourself.

~ Michael Strasner

2020 was a year of adaptation. We were forced to face extraordinary challenges that completely upset our normal way of life. We had to dig deep, search for ways to strengthen ourselves and continue on, no matter what. It was shocking, it was unsettling, and it is still uncertain. The year often felt more like a fight for our survival than a pursuit of our dreams. And yet despite the challenges we made it through the year, and that is something to be grateful for. We all want 2021 to be different, but that is not likely, at least not anytime soon. The problems and challenges we faced in 2020 continue and even as those eventually disappear we will come across new challenges that will assuredly test us. If we aren’t ready to confront these challenges head-on, then 2021 will be no different than 2020. We will be left off-balance, desperately attempting to keep our footing as everything we deal with seeks to push us over. I am resolved to not let that happen to me.

How? Because I am RESOLVED not to let it happen.

And I am resolved to not let that happen to you.

Resolve is choosing to set our feet firmly. Resolve is not hoping that our problems will depart on their own accord, but instead doing the steps it takes to deal with them. Resolve is welcoming problems, preparing to face them, dealing with them, and dispatching them.

To me resolve is a steadfast decision and course of action that honors our commitments and convictions.  Resolve is the determination to bring our amazingness out in the world, to make it better, each and every day.

With resolve, we have the fuel that fosters our growth, our creativity, our prosperity. Resolve will help lead us into a bright, new future.

As a way to begin this discussion around Resolve, and to give voice to your life and your dreams, I invite you to join us for Sunday Silver Lining Conversations with Noreen.  To come together with other amazing women, and engage in conversations that meet the moment with gratitude, learning and discovery. It is our opportunity to reflect on our lives, our questions, our intentions and honor our one precious life.

This is my gift to you. I’d love to have you join us this coming Sunday, January 17 at 9:30 am eastern.

For more details and to register please click here.

I’m resolved to make 2021 one of the best years of my life, and I am not going to let anything stop it from being so. I hope you will join me in doing the same.

We witnessed a stunning sight in the sky this week. The “Christmas Star”, the attention-grabbing and rare alignment of Jupiter and Saturn, appeared as the brightest star in the sky. It was an iconic view that hasn’t been seen in nearly 800 years, and it won’t happen again for many years to come.

Gazing at the planets nestled close together brought to mind the importance of staying true to ourselves as we build a business, career and a life. That importance cannot be overestimated if we wish to create a fiercely fulfilling and free life. Nestling close to the true you IS iconic.

Only in our lives, we don’t have the luxury of 800 years to sync up and find our “spectacular”. We only get one lifetime, if we choose to use it, to create a fiercely, fulfilling life or the rest is history.

Your time is Now.

I say this with love because what I so often see in my work with feminine leaders and entrepreneurs is a playbook that is driven by “I should”, “I could”, “I would” and the expectations of others, rather than being driven by “I choose”, “I commit”, “I want” or “I get to”. Living by the parameters someone or something else establishes for your life side-steps what’s in your heart. And distancing yourself from that place is not a recipe for fulfillment or freedom.

In order to realize your dreams and the vision for your life, it’s important to move in a direction that aligns with the true you…what you believe, what you stand for, what you give voice to. Time and time again I’ve seen brilliant, skilled, talented, creative women stuck and struggling because of the influences of “should” and the destructive self-talk that holds power over them.

Just like the dazzling planetary spectacle wouldn’t be possible if the planets didn’t nestle so close to one another, your dazzling life won’t be possible the more disconnected you become from you.

Moving in the direction of your dreams and being aligned with who you are, no matter the risks or the cost, is your path to honoring your deepest desires and creating all that you want.

So if you’re ready to assess where you stand, I offer you this opportunity of self-reflection. The awareness you gain will serve you well in making any transformation you desire.

  • Identify where you’re going astray.
  • Summon the courage to let go of habits and patterns that only serve others.
  • Bring your gifts and contributions to the world with your time on this planet.

Here are some questions to ask yourself as either a starting point or a reboot as you enter a new year.

  1. What values are important to you…i.e. authenticity, connection, trust?
  2.  Are you living and breathing these values in all that you are doing?
  3. What’s one thing you’re doing that you’re ready to let go of to be more true to yourself?
  4. What’s a small or even big step you can take right now that honors you and moves you in the direction of your dreams?

And know, the world is looking for your Star to shine bright!

With heart and brilliance this holiday season,


The Oxford English Dictionary defines Influence as The capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself.
In the context of building your business, it’s a “no-brainer” that “influence” would be important, right?

If you actually have the capacity to affect the character, development or behavior of someone or something it would certainly be worthwhile to focus on creating and building more influence.

Then why aren’t you doing it? Why aren’t you more focused on creating influence? Why aren’t you more focused on building the relationships necessary to gain influence?

Influence as a marketing focal point is too often sidelined for less impactful tasks when it should be the center of your entire marketing effort.

You understand intellectually & emotionally how important it is to create new relationships and deepen existing ones, yet it’s not a strategic or even day-to-day priority in your business or marketing operations.

Can this fatal business disconnect be explained? And if it can, is there a way to ensure you never forsake relationship building and the never-ending effort to create influence again?

Let’s break it down.

1. Influence is hard. Do the work.
The short game is easy and the long game is hard…and influence is most definitely a long game. It’s human nature to seek instant gratification. But influence requires effort and patience and then more effort and more patience. There are no immediate returns.

In business, there’s often a wariness and weariness about how long things take. So we keep putting it off hoping there are faster, easier ways to achieve results. There aren’t.

A business relationship is just like a personal relationship; they’re rarely built overnight. It takes time to get to know another person, to believe there’s a genuine exchange of value to be had and to create trust. And with that value and trust, a long enduring relationship can be firmly established.

So in considering the long game and to ensure your abiding influence, ask yourself these questions:

–      What do I truly want to create? What’s my big idea? (Someone with an overarching mission is bound to be more compelling and hence more influential than someone without one.)
–      What is the problem that my client needs solved?

–      How can I best add value to garner genuine trust?
–      What must I do to continue nurturing a relationship that endures long after the sale?

The reality is that the sooner you start genuinely fostering more relationships the easier it will be to attract your ideal audience and grow your business.

2. Influence is a giving game. Not a getting game.
Think about it. Did the people that are most endearing to you start off your relationship by asking for something from you? Most likely not.

In fact, if you recall the most effective approaches you’ve made in your work and business, did aggressive sales maneuvers ever serve you best? Most likely not.

The strongest relationships start with giving. And that goes for a selling relationship too. If you’re really relevant to a buyer or client it’s most likely because there was value in the interaction between you well before working with you or buying from you.

By going the distance…by providing valuable tools, training, information and recommended solutions…all of which demonstrate you are truly interested in helping…you are setting up the field of play for a winning relationship.

And that’s influence.

3. Technology is not a substitute for influence. Do what has always worked.
We’re all easily seduced by bright and shiny new objects and often resort to the digital glitz of computer apps and social media to create an influence edge.

Be acutely aware though, adopting new technology and trends is not a panacea for attracting new clients. While these digital tools are very important, they’re not in and of themselves going to build key relationships.

As Productivity Expert Michael Hyatt says, “Technology is a great servant but a terrible master.”

When it comes to influence modalities that work, follow these steps:

–   Find the communication method (or technology) that works best for you…the thing or things that play to your strengths. This is especially important for new businesses that have to get clients fast. Add new avenues of communication over time but don’t abandon the tried and true.

–    Put your primary communication method into action. Actually, do it.

–      When you do it, make sure you’re communicating with a clear intention, clear messaging and offering clear value.

–      Technology is never a substitute for thoughtful human-to-human interaction, so whatever method you’re using, no matter how digitally advanced, you still have to imbue your messaging with emotion, sincerity, and authenticity. Whatever technology you’re using, even in something as short as a text or tweet or simple image, your communication has to have compelling human appeal.

–      After your initial contact, implement a system for staying in touch and be consistent with it. You never know when a decision point you may benefit from is going to be reached. And remember, relationships don’t thrive when they’re neglected or treated as a matter of convenience.

4. Influence is the ask. Not the tell.
Influence is challenging when we’re not sure how to create it.
We assume that we start persuading by providing a recitation of our features and benefits. Honestly though, nobody really cares about that. They care about getting their problem solved or desire met.
And the best way to determine their needs is to ask questions. Questions help us cut clear to the heart of the issue and help to build rapport.

So start with curiosity and create a list of 3 to 5 high-quality questions that help show you care. This is an effective way to identify their needs, determine if there is a solution you can provide, or if there is a better provider that you can refer the person to. Even if it’s not your sale, but you helped provide a solution by referring them elsewhere, you are still building influence. And people will remember this and be grateful for it.

5. Influence is the way forward. But it’s a path with no guarantees.
Influence takes time to cultivate but you have to embrace that it offers no guarantees. That’s right. Embracing effort with no guarantees. But wouldn’t you rather spend your time on high-impact initiatives that have the potential to lead to something big rather than on mundane tasks that take you nowhere?

Although there are no guarantees, if you’re thoughtful about how you reach out, and how you cultivate your relationships, it’s highly unlikely there will be no rewards.

The key here is to continually make the effort and take the time to really connect with your audience. Do that with a genuine desire to serve and you’ll be engaging in game-changing influence.
6 weeks ago they were just students.

Today, they are leaders. Extraordinary leaders.

On March 24th they created a movement…observed by millions they moved into action and their leadership reverberated throughout the world.

The Parkland horror/massacre unleashed emotions, voices, passion and caused those who were “just students” to grow up fast. But most importantly these kids captivated the world with unity and heart. It was a demonstration of courageous leadership that provoked an unstoppable commitment to change for the sake of the greater good.

I don’t think there’s a greater leadership story thus far in the 21st century than this one. We are all witnesses to a historic time. A time that demands these young voices be heard and heeded to create the change we wish to see in the world.

I will not exploit this deeply horrific experience or compromise it in the interest of a teaching moment on leadership but rather write about it because their actions have truly inspired me. I hold these young leaders in great esteem and this is a story that must continue to be told and heard.

These young and remarkable people have truly and profoundly demonstrated what leadership is in all its glory and it’s a lesson for all of us…because they’re not in it for the glory but for the simple, fierce commitment to make our world a better and safer place. In their message, they have had enough…they never want to witness this unbearable tragedy again. In their pain, they have harnessed their incredible power and have chosen to wield that power positively rather than languish in understandable despair.

6 weeks ago they were “just students”. Now they have massive influence. They have thrust themselves onto the world stage as an innocent and dramatic plea for change.

They have found their voices and empowered millions towards a common goal to transform our world. In it’s simplest and most fundamental form that is what great leadership is.

At their center, they have a cause worth fighting for.

In their action they embody courage. Their courage has been put into motion because of their passion for the cause.

Along the way, they unite forces to both advocate for their cause and to conquer challenges and opposition.

From their footprints, a new path is forged. A clear message has reverberated, voices have risen up collectively, articulately and emotionally.

These unlikely yet remarkable leaders have taken this tragic, life-altering experience and turned it into a profound movement. They have illuminated how in just a short amount of time ordinary people can rise up.

Transformation is in the making.

People are changed forever.
My hometown city, Philadelphia, is reveling in our Super Bowl win and this past week was like living in an Eagles Nation! Hundreds of thousands of fans descended upon Philly for the Super Bowl Parade. They came to celebrate and pay tribute to a remarkable team that exemplified true leadership and emerged triumphant in the face of adversity and brilliant foes.

Whether you’re a fan or an adversary, it’s worthwhile to note the profound leadership lessons that Super Bowl LII taught us.

10 Leadership Lessons from Eagles Nation

 1. Mission Reigns Supreme
The 2017 season, led by second-year phenom quarterback, Carson Wentz, was the reason that hope began to bubble up and lead fans to believe that we might be witnessing something special. That is, until, with 3 games left to play, Wentz was lost to a major injury.

Wentz was the last to join a long list of Eagles players lost to injury, many of whom played a key role on the team. Most thought this was the end. Certainly the experts did. Philly fans went from elated to concerned…and their wishful thinking became worried consternation as their regular season ended with a loss. But in the playoffs, the underdog Eagles recaptured the resounding hope of a journey to the Super Bowl. The team, in spite of the doubters and the adversity, made it very clear they would not be deterred or denied.

The Eagles had a mission that they lived and breathed…a mission to finally show appreciation to their devoted fans, a mission to show what they’re made of, a mission to triumph for the first time as Super Bowl Champions!
Leaders know that their mission is the purpose that drives them, sustains them and allows them to come out on top. It’s the target that’s pierced with fierce arrows, despite any resistance that slows them down. Everything they think, create, act on, rally around is in support of this mission.

When mission reigns supreme, we are able to harness our resources, stave off adversities and stay alive!

2. Believe + Trust Divine Force
Somehow it felt like there was divine intervention at the end of the football season. There was a feeling that there was something beyond us that was taking us through.

There was probably no greater power behind the ultimate outcome than the unwavering belief that we could win. And that belief created a force that guided us through every step, every play, every failure, and every rebound.

Leaders know you’re not likely to succeed if you don’t believe at your core. Yes, you may believe in your mission, but you also must believe and trust in your own ability to achieve it. Stepping out with that courage breeds a culture of possibility, creates a spiritual force and helps draw other believers to you that you need on your team to make this happen.

And it’s this place we can go back to, to reset when the going gets tough or we’re faced with defeat. Belief must be embraced to navigate every doubt, obstacle, and threat in order to get to the other side.

3. Team Cohesion
Super Bowl LII was won by a team, not by the individual stars. All were stars. The ability to stick together, support and believe in each other was the glue that held this team together. They needed to do this. And they needed to do this together.
Leadership isn’t about one star. It’s about unifying an all-star team. It’s influencing and empowering others toward the optimal achievement of the same mission or goal. The power is in the collective, not the individual brilliant stars.

 4. Expert Strategic Plays + Out of the Box Thinking
 If you play predictably, you’re probably going to lose predictably. The incredible “out of the box thinking” and calls made by the head coach, Doug Pederson, showed that it wasn’t only talent that was going to bring the Lombardi Trophy home but rather creative, well-executed plays.

No matter how you slice it and dice it, leaders must be smart in the field of strategic play. This comes down to demonstrating risky but smart decisions and choices even when the rallying cry is to play it safe. Outrageous, unbelievable plays were the critical, turning points of this game. No safety, just big, bold moves that had to work. And boy did they work.

A true leader acts with big, bold courage to do the unthinkable, the unimaginable in the face of a bigger mission.

This leader understands the competition, the risks, and demonstrates out of the box thinking that translates into unimaginable moves that are executed with guts.

5. Confidence, Calm And A Competent Captain At The Helm
Nick Foles, our second string quarterback, who stepped in after Carson Wentz fell, was named the Super Bowl MVP. He executed brilliantly while all the time exuding an air of confidence and calm.

You believed he could actually do it. You believed he would do it. It wasn’t about him being the star, it was about him settling into his role and executing competently with confidence and calm while rallying his team around him.

Leaders execute amidst storms all the time. It’s your steady, unwavering belief in your role and the people around you that brings the goal & mission home.

6. An Eye On The Moment – Not Caught Up In The “Far Out”
The magic was in the moment, throughout the game. The eye wasn’t on the prize. The eye was on what we needed to do right here, right now to take the next step. At no time did they choke, or flake out because of the pressure of the ultimate prize. The flow was in the now with an eye on the moment.

Leaders will tell you that of course there’s a desire to reach the goal and mission. But the magic, just like in this game, is in the moment. Executing one step at a time, not getting ahead of yourself, embodying with every moment, every step the magic that would ultimately get you where you want to go.

7. Support – No Going It Alone
Leaders know you cannot do it alone. There’s no way. It takes a team of change-makers, thought leaders, believers, coaches, and devotees to make it to the point of no return.

All were present in this game. All had an impact on the outcome. From the brilliance of the coach who called the plays, to the brilliance of the players who executed the plays with spirit and heartfelt drive, to the brilliance of the fans who cheered for the plays, the support was constant. The brilliance was in the collective.

8. Know Your Competition
We faced a formidable foe, the New England Patriots, the best there is. We started seeing them overtake us. Their star quarterback Tom Brady got into his flow and we were on the brink of defeat. We knew that in order to stop that, we had to get to him. We understood our competition.

Leaders know what they’re up against. They study the competition. They prepare fully so as not to become unwitting rivals.

Heart and soul are powerful, but knowledge is essential. Knowledge sets the stage for breaking ground and emerging as a fierce proponent of your mission. Otherwise, you’re playing a solo game. And solo games are easily overtaken.

9. Run Towards The Challenge
In the second half of the game we were losing ground. Our brilliant adversary did what they do best, and pursued 3 fast-paced drives in a row that all resulted in touchdowns. It was starting to feel like the game would be lost for us. They had found their flow, their brilliance, and were displaying the core of what made them a dynasty.

But just when the fans were starting to lose faith because our team was being overtaken, the Eagles ran towards the challenge. One player, Brandon Graham, summoned whatever strength and ability he had left to finally break the unbreakable Patriot offense…in the one moment of the game they had left to them…and strip the ball from Tom Brady before he could throw what likely would have been the Patriot’s next game-winning pass.

Leaders know that running towards the challenge takes grit, stamina, and a courageous will to succeed. When they confront challenges it allows them to face the new normal and come up with new and creative ways to build momentum and achieve what they want. They know the cost of not doing so is far greater than the harsh reality of the challenge itself.

10. Ability To Pivot
After the loss of Carson Wentz, the Eagles were never expected to make the playoffs much less win the Super Bowl. It would have been easy to chalk up an ultimate loss to bad luck in that their “all-star” team was deeply disrupted.

But instead, they were fierce in the face of formidable foes. They seized the opportunity to pivot and prevail. They leaned in, recognizing they still had enough talent and chemistry in their ranks to make it happen and reoriented the team around Nick Foles. They reignited the possibility this still “could be”. They quietly and confidently pivoted…believing this was still the team, this was still the time.

Leaders trust their ability to adapt and adjust as required. If you’re faced with adverse circumstances then it’s incumbent upon you to pivot and develop effective ways of dealing with the circumstances so that your ultimate goal and mission is achieved.

This story of the Eagles as Super Bowl Champions in 2018 is a profound story of underdogs who came so far, faced severe challenges, ignited hearts and stood strong in their mission and belief that they could finally do this…not as planned or imagined…but still do this.

Leaders, as change makers, understand this story. And they understand what it takes to fuel and propel the change.

As you can see, I was personally inspired by this story because it’s been exciting to see and it is a reminder to me of the power that all things are possible. As leaders, it’s our mission to inspire and help make the change we so wish to see in the world.

With heart and brilliance extended to all the compassionate leaders in our world,



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